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Identity doesn’t define you, you define your identity. Yes this is poorly worded.

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What I mean by this is that there’s many components of Identity, whether you choose it or not. Cultural inheritance, genetic inheritance, sexuality, where you were born, where you. were raised, what’s your MBTI, what’s your Zodiac sign, your favorite music group etc etc.

It can feel good to learn about ideas and discover new language to describe yourself, and how to interact others.


Something I’m seeing more and more are
1. People shoving themself in a box to “adopt” certain identity traits. Hand in hand with
2. Reducing other people to a few generalized identities.

This is not nice to you, or your community.

On paper I can be a very generic engineer INTJ. BUT. I’m really into feeling your feelings. What does that mean? Nothing. Because ultimately I define me. 

I’m highlighting this because I’m seeing a rise of
1. People struggling internally with ‘conflicting’ identities (Giving themself persmission to be everything they are)
2. People struggling with relationships – Others are not following the ‘template’; people are more complicated than just a few traits.
3. People struggling with perfectionism – Trying to be the “Best version of themselves, according to their “zodiac” or whatever, when the reality is half of the traits aren’t them.
4. People struggling cross culturally – You can pick the bits that align with you, and you can reject the bits that don’t.
5. People struggling with loss of identity – In a bid to be a part of the ‘in group’, the actually sacrifice themselves.